Klinikk Hausken success rates 2008-2011.

Sleeping baby with mother's hand
Klinikk Hausken

March 26, 2012

Sleeping baby with mother's hand

Age 2008-2011 UK ave 2009
18-34 39,0 % 32,3 %
35-37 28,3 % 27,2 %
38-39 13,2 % 19,2 %
40-42 14,6 % 12,7 %
43-44 0,0 % 5,1 %
All ages 27,0 % 25,2 %

We have presented our results in the format dictated by HFEA for registration of live births. These results are for UK patients that have visited our clinic in the period 2008-2011 (253 patients), and compared with the live birth results for all UK clinics.

Keeping in mind our UK patients have had previous attempts or been denied treatment in the UK due to various factors such as BMI, AMH or low ovarian reserve our results are above average compared to the UK clinics.

Klinikk Hausken

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